Past Clients

*further references and contact information available upon request

From the time I found out I was pregnant I felt a mix of emotions.  I was beyond excited to nurture this new life inside of me, but also terrified of what could happen.  After all, it had only been 2 years since my daughter was born and I was still reeling from the experience of having a full term infant unexpectedly be ushered away to the NICU for over a week.  To further complicate things I knew my family would be moving again due to a new assignment with the Army while I was nearly halfway through my pregnancy.  So when I arrived in Georgia I immediately began my search.  My midwife suggested several doulas in the local area with good reputations but we couldn't connect for a number of reasons.  When I returned for my next visit I informed my midwife of these results and she excitedly told me that Emily was returning to the area.  I soon got in touch with her and then we met to discuss things.  This might sound chesy but I feel like we clicked and I quickly told her that she was hired.  From then she was very supportive and helpful throughout my pregnancy, particularly as I got closer to my due date and anxiety about the big day really set in.  From offering to attend appointments to suggesting good things to consider she was a great sounding board and extremely attentive and clued into my needs.  She often sent texts as well as emails to check on me too.  I can't say enough positive things about my experience with Emily as my doula. When my due date passed and I really got nervous about an induction she also offered ways to induce labor and was optimistic and encouraging throughout that time.  On the day I went into labor Emily quickly came to our house and was well versed in our birth plan and what I was looking for.  She ensured that I was hydrated and comfortable while my husband was able to take care of our daughter and other arrangements to make our trip to the hospital smooth.  Needless to say the birthing process went almost exactly as I had hoped according to my birth plan.  Emily suggested a walk with my husband and I thought that was simply genius!  Not only did I have an opportunity for some one on one time with him before baby arrived, but also I got some fresh air and I feel that that enabled me to progress quite rapidly so that when we arrived at the hospital I had dilated to 8 cm.  Needless to say my time in L&D went quickly from there.  Although an epidural wasn't a part of my birth plan I felt supported and that Emily did not judge me for this decision.  After baby arrived, she was present with us to facilitate breastfeeding and then when we felt comfortable she went home.  After we went home, she came by for a visit and even sent a lactation consultant to our home since I was having some issues.  All in all, Emily went above and beyond and I can only hope that if I should have any more children that she would be there for us.  I will treasure my experience and highly recommend her to anyone that is considering a doula.     - Erica C

Choosing to have a Doula to support my wife during her pregnancy was the best decision. I had never heard of a Doula until my wife had mentioned it to me. At first I wasn't set on the idea. My wife explained the reasons why she had wanted one; mental, physical and more importantly emotional support. Having someone that will be by your side when your family is so far away was something that sounded beneficial. It was by sheer luck that one evening my wife came across Emily Guerard, both happened to be into more natural/ holistic healing and met at the local natural food store! My wife explained to me that she was a Doula and had scheduled a little meeting to get to know each other. She said she was someone to help support you during this life changing event. She explained that a doula would help keep the mother calm or help with controlled breathing. Having someone supportive of natural childbirth was very important. This is something my wife really wanted to do with our second child, and it scared me a bit. I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle my wife in labor with no medications and I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep her calm in that situation. I felt that someone that has gone through a natural birth and just birth in general would have a stronger impact in the labor room. We decided that Emily would be perfect to help bring our son Nolan into this world. Emily was able to accompany us to appointments in the weeks prior to the birth and really helped define our birth plan. She asked the doctors questions that we didn't always think to ask, she's all around knowledgable in her field. In the end Emily helped my wife in ways I'm not sure I would have be able to. She helped bring our son into the world and safely and ensured my wife was taken care of properly at the hospital. It was a great experience and would certainly choose to have a doula again.     -Andrew G (Dad)

When my oldest child was born, I was lucky to have a doula with me at my delivery. I was determined to have an all natural birth at a hospital and my doula helped me achieve that goal. After moving to a new state, and finding myself at the end of my pregnancy without a doula, I was not sure that I would be able to have that same experience. So on the day that I met Emily, I was so happy to find out that she was a doula who wanted another birth! We met a few times before the big day to go over details, feelings, and desires. On the day I went into labor, having Emily with me through each labor stage and the delivery, was absolutely amazing! She calmed me during my pain, she reassured me when I felt like giving up, and she made sure my desires were known by all of the staff at the hospital. Not only did Emily help me to have an all-natural birth at a hospital, but she really contributed in giving me an absolutely wonderful experience that I will treasure for my whole life. There is not one part of my labor and delivery that I wish could have gone differently. I am so blessed to have met this wonderful woman, right in the nick of time!

Thanks Emily!    -Lindy R.

Emily Guerard was an amazing doula.  Having this as my first pregnancy, I was extremely

nervous for the labor experience, so I was so grateful to have Emily there to help guide me. She helped my husband and I figure out what things were important to us for the birth of our baby girl and encouraged us to create a birth plan that we could stick too on the day of the delivery. One thing that helped me the most during labor was that Emily was so calm the entire time, which really kept me relaxed. She would talk me through the contraction in a calming voice and help me breathe and relax when I started to tense up. She wasn’t just helpful to me, but to my husband as well. She offered so much encouragement to both of us when things were starting to get more intense. Having Emily as a doula helped us stick to what we wanted for the birth of our baby and made the experience better than we could have imagined.-Jackie H.

Emily Guerard was extremely attentive, supportive, and helpful both before and during the delivery of my baby girl. From the time I was 37 weeks pregnant, she checked in on me frequently with phone calls and texts. She made sure I was doing okay and offered lots of advice. When I began to go into labor, she came to my house immediately. She was a great encouragement during this time, and had many techniques to help me through the contractions. She stayed with me for several hours at home, and then met me at the hospital and was at my side through the entire delivery. I honestly feel I could not have done it without her. She not only helped me through my contractions, but she also helped 
my husband by showing him how to support me, and she advocated for me to the midwife and nurses. After I delivered Molly, she stayed with us for several hours, and checked in on her and me many times afterward. I would recommend Emily to anyone who is looking for a compassionate and very competent doula. She was tremendously helpful and comforting during such a difficult time. She dropped everything to be with me from the minute my labor began, despite having a family of her own, and was obviously very committed to and invested in helping me delivery my baby. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else in my delivery room (besides my husband), and I will be forever grateful to Emily. -Hilary W.

For my first labor I did not have a doula. I had my sister and husband to help me during my 12 hour labor which I was able to get through without pain medication. I was excited but also fearful after that labor knowing that someday I would want to have more children. When I got pregnant with my second baby girl I knew that I wanted again to have a delivery with no pain medications but with even more help than what I had the first time around. I knew Emily was experienced and I could trust her to be my advocate throughout labor when sometimes things get cloudy and it's hard think clearly. I also knew that she had a variety of techniques that could help throughout the labor and delivery process that would make my labor more manageable. Just as I expected, both of those things proved to be true. Emily showed up to help me at the very early stages of my labor, suggesting different laboring positions and timing my contractions. When things became really difficult she suggested that I try walking with my husband and because of her intuitive opinion this ended up being my favorite part of my labor. It was a wonderful bonding experience and helped my labor to progress smoothly. From home and then at the hospital Emily continued to offer different helpful laboring techniques. She also offered in my opinion her best expertise- emotional support- at the hardest parts of my labor. She reminded that I could do it and without her I think I would have gone against my desired birth plan. For this, I will be forever grateful! After the delivery of my baby girl, Emily's support included bringing my baby to me as she knew it would help to calm me and would likely aid in an easier transition to nursing. She was also there to help support us while we transitioned off the labor and delivery floor and onto the mother baby unit. I am thankful for Emily's support and expertise throughout my entire labor and delivery process. I don't think I could have ever found a better doula! - Lindsay F.

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